Bathing is a fundamental life experience for all of us, beginning from the time we were babies playing with bath toys in the tub and continuing on in other forms for the rest of our lives. It’s also a life experience that is easily taken for granted, or even considered inconvenient when our days are … Continued
Read ArticleThousands of our school campuses across the country that were constructed over 10 to 15+ years ago are absent the door threshold design considerations set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). As a result, a large percentage of school facilities and classrooms built prior to 1992 are still not ADA compliant with state, … Continued
Read ArticleTitle III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires …all public accommodations to provide their goods and services to people with disabilities on an equal basis with the rest of the general public. Public accommodations include most businesses and services we all use each and every day – restaurants, hotels, theaters, museums, libraries, parks, … Continued
Read ArticleOn July 26, 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), banning discrimination based on disability and requiring certain accommodations in public places. For nearly 30 years many managers have taken necessary steps to ensure their facilities comply with ADA’s accessibility guidelines. With Bush’s recent death, many Americans remembered his career, … Continued
Read ArticleState of California discovers…. Imagine turning carpet waste and old tires into new consumer products instead of piling up in landfills. Waste carpet and used tires are two of the biggest contributors to growing landfills. How can manufacturers create new products while repurposing these materials consumer use? SafePath Products in Chico, California is doing … Continued
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