Thanks for joining the SafePath Circle and ADA Update!
The challenges of ADA compliance probably aren’t news to you, but every day there are changes. Each month we will be sending out the SafePath ADA Update, with new resources and insights. I’ll be interviewing top architects, CEOs, and leaders in the industry, as well as the many contractors who insure that entryways, landings, ramps, and even athletic fields are accessible by all.
We have some ideas for how we might improve the many challenges by turning waste products into consumer products that improve lives. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Perhaps we can interview you or feature you in our monthly update. If nothing else, we’d love to learn from you, because as a professional in this industry, each day you are learning. I’d like for the SafePath ADA Update to be a way for us to learn together, via email and live meetings.
Get Started with a few ADA Update articles from SafePath Products
Is yours an ADA compliant exercise facility?
Is yours an ADA compliant exercise facility? There are more and more disabled people becoming actively involved as students looking for an ADA compliant exercise facility, not to mention those actively involved in exercise programs and strength training programs. Martial arts academies, dojos, kickboxing and karate studios are not immune to federal and state accessibility laws … Continued
ADA Non-Compliance and the Door Threshold
Thousands of our school campuses constructed over 10 to 15 years ago are absent the door threshold design considerations set forth by the ADA ( American’s with Disabilities Act). Buildings built prior to 1992 still lack enforcement of state and local government building codes and therefore are subject to a myriad of access violations. I … Continued